Saturday, July 3, 2010

Play or Learn, can both be same

Tread the straws into yarn as be a necklace
circle time

they take turn to try to taste nuts

introduce the nets and tell them the use of net

Identify the full and empty (math)

It’s a struggle as how are should teach our children, against what are our Malaysia’s environment promote and the pressure to conform. From my experience work as teacher, I think children can learn through play. Hence, the important of play for children are ‘ a child’s play in his work and the toys are his words.’ Says Dr Gory Landreth , a noted play therapist. It has been clearly proven by child development researcher that children learn through play. They are concrete learners and learn by using all their senses. They must experience their world in order to make sense of it. ‘Play’ give young children ‘hands on’ activities for learning life. Some of people think that children only do a lot of worksheets as can be improve their skill and learning. Isn’t a true?

‘Play’ is enable children to make sense of their work. They can imagine their think as they learn through play. There have continuum from play to non play. Free play are let children have choice of materials and child play with other, when, and how to use them. Facilitative play is teacher already selected materials for children to choose and they only can play the limit. Directed play is teacher lead children on what, how and when to play game. There also have 5 essential elements that characteristics of play. There are play is a self-chosen, intrinsically motivated and self-directed. Play is activity in which means are more valued than ends. Play has structure or rules, which are not directed by physical necessity. Play is imaginative, not-literal, and transformation. Play is involves an active, alert, who involved but non-stressed framed of mind, play is pleasure.

By the side, learn through play can develop their emotional and social skill. It can learning about relationship with others. Otherwise, children can have a good communicate with their friends as well. Play have different type of play. There are social p play, unoccupied play, onlooker play, solitary play and cooperative play. Children can play dramatic role. Children can play the dramatic role play in a group. For example, they can role play as family roles and character roles. According to Ruth Hartley, type of dramatic roles play are enables child can better understanding of the adult as she and he can play out scenes that they can engaged. Otherwise, dramatic role play as can child plays that they do it on real life.

Learn through play can build the language skill as well. We can use the language to do some activities. For example, storytelling, music and movement, role play, singing, play games and so on. Children can learn different type of play. There are noise and sound, grammar, new word and sentences. Children fostering cognitive development through play. They can learning through play some activities that foster problem solving. Children who can engaged in creative activities are better at convergent and divergent problem.

As a conclusion, play is an essential learning component in a child’s life. Learning through play allows children to learning happily and meaningfully. Children will not feel reluctant and fear to come to school as learning in school is fun.


Dorothy G. Singer, Robert M. Golinkoff. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek. (n.d).
'Play and Learning'

Kathy Roskos, James F. Christie. (n.d)
'Play and literacy in early childhood: research from multiple perspectives'

Dr Mirriam Stoppard. (n.d)
'Teach Your Child '


  1. Teaching children is a fun job, I am loving it! ~lee chen

  2. I love playing and work with children.It can help me to get more experience for children^^ Ivin
